Partner With Us

We strive to be the preferred partner offering a superior value proposition to leading pharma companies by leveraging cutting-edge technologies and niche capabilities.

Partner with us

Why Choose Us

We are an integrated solutions provider focusing on being a strategic partner. Our vision is to reinvent sustainable solutions and meet unmet customer needs.

Our Strengths

We leverage the 60 years of domain experience of PI Industries gained from working with top innovators in the world, to leapfrog our expertise and market readiness.

Our large capacity and world-class infrastructure across R&D, Manufacturing, and IP security make us the one-stop solution for all your needs across the Pharma life cycle.

We have implemented advanced IP protocols and digitalized our processes to ensure the highest level of IP security and sustainable solutions.

We have best-in-class capabilities to provide a wide range of molecule solutions and handle a vast range of chemicals with the highest level of safety and process compliance.